Saturday, September 5, 2009

College was

I warn you, this little poem is going to be both cheesy and nostalgic.
The general theme: I miss CMC.

So to commemorate 6:01.. now that I'm no longer there to kick off the year..
This is what CMC/college was to me:

College was watching my gpa take a slight dive after playing Beirut with Jeff and Tommy almost every night for four months.
College was hungover McDonalds runs every Sunday morning with Simon.
College was drinking 40s and dancing around to the same overplayed party mix in that cramped little room in Berger with my freshman six.
College was that time I chugged a 40, jumped up and down and threw up all over that cramped little room in Berger with my freshman six.
College was a long string of dramatic casual-yet-deeply-intimate romances and one really long, really great romance.
College was eating so much spicy food in a allotted time period that I threw up or watched someone else throw up.
College was the epic ramen noodle spicy food olympics where Jeff projectile vomited into his own bowl.
College was bowling on Wednesday nights... and Jack impressions.
College was getting stuck in weird, uncomfortable and slightly dangerous situations in foreign countries with my some of my best friends.
College was weird, pointless study abroad projects that were both unbearable and hilarious in nature.
College was having drunken public conversations about sex in Muslim countries (while eating patata).
College was stalking Shelby halfway around the world and back only to have her stalk me after graduation.
College was Will's infamous impression of our Palestinian Arabic teacher inviting everyone to a girls' party in a German accent.
College was Morgan impressions.
College was that one story about Anna freshman year that I'm not allowed to tell.
College was Anna's bitch face.
College was spending several hours drinking smoothies at brunch after a long, ridiculous night.
College was watching America's Best Dance Crew with my roommates every Thursday night.
College was convincing Tommy to break dance at parties.
College was Tommy Liu impressions... college was full of good impressions.
College was do everyone think I gay? and other great things that Tommy never actually said.
College was sending Kenisha no-reason text messages several times a day for four years.
College was making fun of Kenisha for being loud, throwing her shit everywhere, having crushes on effeminate men, exaggerating pretty much everything she says, getting into TV shows five or ten years after they've reached the height of their popularity, falling over when startled, not being able to raise one eyebrow and looking stupid for trying, never admitting to being inebriated when she is clearly inebriated and much, much more.. for four years.
College was Kenisha not killing me for making fun of her for four years.
College was a wonderful four-year roomie relationship... the longest relationship either one of us has ever had and probably will ever have.
College was living with four people in a double room for about two years.
College was one retarded snake.
College was rugby songs, rugby games, rugby people, and Leslie J.
College was Thursday night poker.
College was full of 90s music and people who got sick of me playing it.
College was the Apache.
College was that one great party we hosted freshman year and that other great party we hosted senior year.
College was trying to host other parties only to end up drinking alone with Simon.
College was just two guys having a good time.
College was watching the same episodes of South Park, Arrested Development, 30 Rock and Stella so many times they almost weren't funny anymore... but then they still were.
College was actually discovering Arrested Development, 30 Rock and Stella... South Park goes way back.
College was watching my first episode of Arrested Development with Athena freshman year.
College was going back to blockbuster with Athena, renting the rest of seasons 1 and 2 and watching every other episode of Arrested Development that same day.
College was the landmines game and all the inside jokes that came out of playing it.
College was that one time Jeff drove us out to Newport, almost killed us on the way there, and then left us to fight amongst ourselves about how we were going to to get home until we almost killed each other.
College was planning Halloween costumes months in advance.
College was trips to Venice beach, the Santa Monica Pier, LA and of course San Diego.
College was passionate drinking competitions against obliviously offensive conservative douchebags.
College was losing passionate drinking competitions to obliviously offensive conservative douchebags and stewing with resentment.
College was sinking that last cup in those one or two sweet victories that at the time felt like inspiring triumphs in a losing war against all that is wrong and evil in the world.
The phrase "wear it _____" featured prominently in college e.g. wear it career services, wear it fashion school, wear it dignity.
At some point I guess college was also about work, although I remember little about it now and will probably remember none of it in ten years.
College was about small things that still make me laugh.
College was about great friends who still make me laugh.
College was a good time.
I miss it already.

Clearly I've forgotten about 17,000 things... my bad